Coordinators Bulletin 03 No.01
DAA has a new fundraising portal!
Hello all Coordinators!
I hope you have seen the new DAA website (launched in December) and most recently the new Fundraising portal. This is an exciting development for DAA as it gives groups an opportunity to fundraise for DAA or your own group.
If you are raising funds for your group, not DAA, we will send all donations back to you minus a 5% fee to help cover website costs.
In Memory donations and Gifts in Wills are donations to DAA.
An added benefit is that tax receipts are issued automatically for all donations over $2.00.
Check out the following options by going to www.dragonsabreast.org.au and click on donate.
What groups can do!
1 Set up an Appeal – An example of Appeals could be for a group member going through a tough time, money to pay for a new boat or to celebrate a significant event. We can help you with the set up and all you need to do is advertise the link far and wide. An example was our recent Valentine’s Day Appeal.
2. Create a Fundraiser – Want to raise money for your group? Great examples of fundraising suggestions are on the website. Easy to set up and then you promote the link far and wide. Remember to tell your story so people want to donate and support you.
3. In Memory – Individuals look for other ways to remember a loved one instead of sending flowers. Creating a donation page in their memory offers others to express their support and leave a message.
4. Gifts in Wills – Always a generous way to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy that benefit all breast cancer survivors.
Need more information or help setting up your event contact Deanne at
[email protected]

Mabel Sansom, Chair
On behalf of the DAA Board and Advisory Panel