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Donate - you will be making a difference in the lives of breast cancer survivors.

Thank you!

Dragons Abreast Australia welcomes your support!  We have all been touched by breast cancer, if not personally then through a family or friend’s diagnosis.  However, there is life after treatment and DAA members are proof.  

Donating to DAA means that you are helping a breast cancer survivor recover after treatment.  Dragon boat paddling has been medically proven to improve survivors’ health not only physically but socially and mentally.  While not a support group, DAA members who have been through similar treatment provide survivors with a warm welcome.  They understand what survivors have been through.

Donations can be made for a variety of reasons such as celebrating a special event, in memory of a loved one, or leaving a bequest in your Will.  If you would like more information on any of these reasons, please contact us at [email protected]

DAA does not receive any government funding and relies solely on donations.  Any donation over $2.00 is tax-deductible and a receipt will be provided.


Donate via Paypal

Click below to support Dragon Abreast Australia through PayPal.


Click below to support Dragon Abreast Australia

Get In Touch

If you would like to enquire, get in touch with Dragons Abreast Australia by filling out our enquiry form.