Oct 2019 – Quarterly Report
Board Update – Dragons Abreast Australia The Board of Dragons Abreast Australia is happy to provide the quarterly update for the period of July to September 2019.In mid-September, the Board held a face to face meeting in Brisbane. At that time we discussed a number of issues but most importantly tracked where we were according to our one year plan. In regards to the budget, we are tracking as planned and happy to report the expenses are below projection which indicates we continue to pay close attention to costs. We are also very grateful for additional group donations which have increased revenue.The annual membership renewal process is almost complete. If you haven’t signed documents or paid your group and membership fees please do so now. Remember to be a voting member at the Annual General Meeting you need to have signed the renewal documents and paid all fees. |
The Annual General Meeting of Dragons Abreast Australia will be held on Thursday 28 November 2019 at 7:30 pm AEDT. Coordinators will be receiving AGM documents on 5th November 2019. Please watch for them and ensure you have replied as requested re: attendance and reviewed the documents before the meeting. The meeting will be held by Hot Air Conferencing. |
As we have advised recently the National Convention for Dragons Abreast Australia will be held in Brisbane on 20 June 2020. As this is a DAA event you can use group funds to pay your costs to attend. We recently circulated the Sponsorship and Fundraising policies and it is important you review each policy. We expect to be sending more details early in the New Year but for now please mark your calendars. There will be an early bird registration option and we encourage all groups to send at least two representatives one being the coordinator. Attendance is open to all DAA members. |
The IBCPC Festival will open for registrations in March 2020. The Board will discuss how to handle composite teams and advise. As a reminder each group is a member of IBCPC but DAA nationally is not. Due to our unique structure IBCPC has, in the past, allowed us to form composite teams when a DAA group cannot register a full team. |
Attention Coordinators – the DAA Board needs some information about your groupAs we discussed at the February 2019 meeting we advised we would be asking groups to send their year-end financial statements. For the year ending June 2019 please forward your reports to [email protected] by 15th December 2019. The information will not be shared but it is important we know how groups are tracking financially. Also, we agreed we would be requesting six-monthly reports from each group on their activities. We really need these details when applying for grants and sponsorships. It is very powerful to show financial supporters the excellent work we do in helping improve the lives of breast cancer survivors. This will encourage them to fund us when we ask. This is the link to the report template and we ask you to complete and return by 15th December 2019.Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the office.Paddles Up!Mabel Sansom – ChairSent on behalf of the DAA Board. |