Mother’s Day Classic Reaching all Corners of Australia in 2019! Posted on: 04 April 2019
53 Australian women are diagnosed with breast cancer each day – the more we raise, the faster a cure can be found.
This year on Sunday, 12 May the Mother’s Day Classic fun walk/run will again take place at events all across the country. Since 1998 the Mother’s day Classic has contributed $35.3 million, making it the single largest donor to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
The first regional Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic was held in 2007, and since then more and more dedicated volunteers have staged more than 400 events in every corner of Australia.
The regional events embody everything that’s great about the MDC; they are run by volunteers, involve the entire community, and represent a group of people united by a common goal.
“The MDC has raised over $30 million for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, and our regional events have played an enormous role in helping us reach that amazing figure,” MDC CEO Sharon Morris said.
Since the first regional event in 2007, 153 towns have hosted a total of 482 regional events.
Wollongong and Cairns have hosted an MDC every year.
Long Jetty and Bairnsdale are both celebrating their 10th year, while Denmark, WA is in its 8th year with the same host – Jennifer Langridge who organises it from her home in Tasmania and travels to Western Australia every year to host the event with her family.
“Our target this year is to raise more than $4 million dollars for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, by raising more money for research, we can save more lives,” Ms Morris said. “Women in regional areas face many different challenges to those who live in our major cities. Some of the research projects funded by MDC overt the last 20 years have dealt specifically with these issues.”
An example of this is research being conducted by Dr Marina Reeves. Dr Reeves’ research will create an evidence-based program to help women, particularly those living in regional areas; maintain a healthy weight to help their breast cancer treatment work better.
“When you consider that only 10 per cent of research projects receive government funding, it just shows how important community fundraising event such as the Mother’s Day Classic are so important for those living in regional areas.”