Janice Annabel Batt Canberra
About Janice Annabel Batt
Janice Annabel Batt joined Angels Abreast on 12 February 2020, aged 62, after eight years of treatment for de novo metastatic breast cancer.
Dragons Abreast Canberra knew her as a kind Dragons Abreast film club member and a Wednesday social paddler.
Janice insisted breast cancer not define her. As a nurse, she knew what was ahead and chose to shield her young son and live a brave, positive life.
Soon after diagnosis she saw the leading specialists which led to a liver resection in Sydney.
Janice travelled and exercised while on aggressive treatments for metastatic disease. Janice knew being very fit helped her cope with life. Janice did several programs with Dr Kellie Toohey, tailored for those living with chronic disease including breast cancer. Here she met other women living well with metastatic disease including some Canberra Dragon Boaters.
In 2015 she got a new hip joint and said it was fantastic to be free from pain and mobile again.
In 2016 she walked the Royal Coastal Track with her son and husband.
In 2017 Janice turned 60. By this time her son Lincoln was in his mid-teens. Janice was able to retire from her job as an Assistant Director at Safe Work Australia.
She had time to join the Dragons Abreast film club and enjoyed Wednesday paddles despite pain on sitting from metastases in her sacrum.
She was the first Canberran, and third Australian, to go on a trial drug. It held the disease at bay for a few months.
In 2018 the cancer was back in her liver, lungs and bones.
Janice was thrilled to receive a Dragons Abreast Canberra team shirt in her final months.
Many Dragons Abreast members helped her through her journey and are glad to have known her.