Anna Wellings Booth Canberra
About Anna Wellings Booth
Dragons Abreast Canberra is very sad to announce that our founder and matriarch, Anna Wellings Booth, died peacefully in her garden on 3 October 2014.
Anna founded Dragons Abreast ACT in 1999, and has been an inspiration to all of us ever since.
Anna will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved her.
A Tribute To Anna Wellings Booth
Anna Wellings Booth, who passed away in Canberra in October 2014, made a significant contribution to the quality of life for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Through her advocacy work with Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and Dragons Abreast Australia, Anna positively impacted women throughout Canberra, the ACT and, eventually, nationally. In 1998, at the first national breast cancer conference Anna organised the planting of the inaugural Field of Women. From that conference in 1998, the BCNA was formed. Anna was appointed a director of the BCNA Board from 2001 until 2005 and served for a number of these years with OTIS founder, Andrew Barling. Anna also founded Dragons Abreast ACT in 1999, the second breast cancer dragon boat team in Australia. This led to the national organisation of Dragons Abreast Australia dedicated to promoting awareness of breast cancer whilst celebrating and enjoying life.
Through her contributions to establish these significant organisations and many other local initiatives, Anna helped to ensure that there will be ongoing support for women with breast cancer and that they will have access to the best possible care and services. She made things happen in a voluntary capacity, without glamour or glory. She worked at all levels from the grass roots to the board room, getting her hands dirty, welcoming a newcomer or making a speech.
Her determination, organisational skills, ability to network, enthusiasm and good humour were all factors that inspired others to make life better for women with breast cancer and bring greater awareness and knowledge to our community.
“When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the soul laughs for what it has found.”
Source: Between Friends
The OTIS Foundation April-May Newsletter 2015
OTIS Foundation