Coordinators Bulletin 04 No.1
Happy Mother’s Day to all our Coordinators
On behalf of the Board, I am pleading with you and your members to support our Mother’s Day Appeal. You may ask why we are still fundraising given the Board recommendation to wind up DAA.
Good question!! The answer is simple – we still need funds to operate DAA as, for now, it is business as usual. The other reason is DAA is working hard to reduce costs and preserve our remaining funds to leave a legacy. When details are finalized, we will share this exciting news with you but until then let’s keep the National Office going.
Remember if every member donated just $5.00, we would reach our fundraising goal of $5,000.00. We have written to each DAA member for their help so at your paddling sessions please talk to your group and ask them to support this Appeal.
Do it for DAA and all that DAA has done for you over the past almost 23 years!
Here is the LINK for your donation.

Mabel Sansom, Chair
On Behalf of the DAA Board/Advisory Panel